Membership Intake Program
Students interested in participating in membership intake must attend a University-sponsored Membership Intake Program (MIP) meeting. 这个强制性会议在秋季学期举行. Students interested in joining a fraternity or sorority must meet the requirements for MIP as listed. (Note: a $30.入场费为00元).
MIP REQUIREMENTS: Any full-time student that meets the following standards at the time of membership intake is eligible for the MIP process.
Non-transfer students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.70, having acquired 30 semester hours at JSU and be enrolled at JSU the preceding two semesters.
转学生必须有最低的累积平均绩点2.70, having earned at least 18 semester hours at JSU and have been enrolled full-time at least one semester at JSU immediately prior to being eligible for membership intake.
Anti-Hazing Policy
To alleviate any misinformation concerning what constitutes hazing and the University’s stance on any activities deemed as hazing, 以下是学校关于欺侮的声明和政策, 以下是学校关于欺侮的声明和政策 are presented for your information. All rites and ceremonies of induction or private actions by individual actions which lead to occasions that allow mental or physical suffering are prohibited, including illegal, 未被承认的或地下的入会/入会路线. Specifically, 欺侮被否认为采取任何行动或创造任何情况或恐吓, 有意为之,无论是在校内还是校外, 引起精神或身体上的不适, embarrassment, harassment, ridicule, 或者违反校规. 被视为“欺侮”的活动包括两个要素:(1)胁迫, either overt or covert, (2)产生身体或精神上的不适, 在参与者或观众身上. Such activities suggested or ordered by a group or a member of a group to new or trial members of a group to new or trial members will be considered to carry with them covert coercion, 即使活动被定义为“自愿的”.” Paddling in any form, physical and psychological shocks and creating excessive fatigue is always considered hazing. Other activities which very often carry with them elements of hazing are: quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips or any other such activities; wearing apparel in public which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; late work sessions which interfere with scholastic activities which are not consistent with the regulations of the university. Participation in hazing subjects the individual or organization to University disciplinary action and may be punishable by law.
Foster Unity: Have the members of your organization work together on a community service project. Visit a ropes course to work on group cohesiveness, communication, and leadership skills. In organizations with houses, the group might work together on a room improvement project. Another option for fostering unity without hazing is for the members to work together to plan a social or athletic event with another organization.
培养解决问题的能力:让新成员讨论组织的弱点,比如招聘不力, apathy, and poor scholarship, 并计划组织可能采用的解决方案.
Develop Leadership Skills:鼓励参加校外的校园活动. Encourage new members to get involved in organizational committees and/or leadership roles. 在你的组织内建立一个同伴导师计划
leadership roles.
Invite university/community/business leaders into the organization to share their experiences.
灌输成员意识: Plan special events when the entire organization gets together to attend a movie, play, or religious service. Plan a “membership circle” where students participate in a candlelight service in which each person has an opportunity to express what membership means to them.
Promote Scholarship充分利用大学的学术和辅导服务. 为组织成员指定学习时间. 邀请大学或社区专家讨论应试技巧, study methods, time management, etc.
建立对组织历史的认识邀请一位年长的成员谈谈公司成立之初的情况, its founding, special traditions, 以及杰出的前成员.
Aid Career Goals利用大学资源参加简历写作研讨会, job interview skills, 以及各种职业的信息.
让社区的所有成员参与进来参与校园和社区服务项目. 为当地慈善组织策划筹款活动.
改善与其他组织的关系: Encourage new members to plan social or service projects with other organizations; work together to plan joint social or service activities.